

The pupils we work with struggle in the classroom but often excel outside, gaining confidence in their abilities and earning qualifications. They are the environmentalists, countryside rangers, wildlife conservationists and outdoor teachers of the future. Moulsecoomb Forest Garden provides the opportunity for those pupils to learn those critical skills, and while demand for our outdoor education is growing, we haven’t got the resources to meet that demand. But if we are to continue to thrive and have any sort of… Read More »THE OUTDOOR TEACHERS OF THE FUTURE


OPEN DAY 2022 MOULSECOOMB FOREST GARDEN OPEN DAY PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES Tours of the garden on the hour every hour. Make your own pizza Cafe serving light snacks, home-made cakes and refreshments Bushcraft skills and primitive technology Chickens. Mark will be there with the Moulsecoomb Primary chickens. Feed them, pet them, they might even sit on your head. Bug hunts and pond dipping – what’s lurking in our ponds, hiding in the long grass, buzzing around the garden. 1.00 -2.00pm… Read More »OPEN DAY 2022


It’s the stories that paint a picture and make a place special. Where people use the garden as a stepping stone to further training and work, building their confidence and skills: “Forest Garden has helped me so much, giving me a purpose, somewhere to go during this pandemic, a few hours away to embrace this little haven.” Where we can support youngsters struggling in mainstream education: “It has made a huge difference to C’s self-esteem and confidence. It would be wonderful… Read More »LOOKING BACK 2021


Unfortunately there’s no Magic Money Tree growing at the forest garden or biscuit tree for that matter. But as our book-keeper Julie showed everyone graphically at our recent Annual General Meeting this is how we make ends meet 22% comes from donations – the majority from our Friends of the Forest Garden monthly donation scheme 29% came from grants – thankfully we have found some funders who don’t insist on endless forms and reports – and who come and visit… Read More »NO MAGIC MONEY TREE


Invitation to attend our AGM Friday 10th September 2021 4pm at The Bevy, Hillside, BN2 4TF RSVP to Warren by 8th September info@moulsecoombforestgarden.org / 07869 704103


It must have been nearly twenty years ago when the visionairy head of Moulsecoomb Primary Charles Davies invited a fledging forest garden team into the school to help transform a derelict garden. Moulsecoomb was built as a garden estate but the spacious school grounds were typical green desert with lollipop trees dotted round endless grass. Nothing to fire the childre’s imagination, no where to shelter from the rain and sun. But Mr.Davies could see the potential and how children, especially… Read More »DEEP ROOTS


Would you like us to help us build up records of the wildlife and plants growing on Home Farm Field? From birds to butterflies, wildflowers to fungi, wildlife records help us to better understand the health of the wider environment. Home Farm Field is the large L-shaped field that goes from the edge of Hollingbury skate park, runs parallel to the golf course up to the dew pond and down to Queensdown Woods. The information we collect will feed into… Read More »GO WILD ON HOME FARM FIELD


We all know children have got a lot of catching up to do. Not the heads in a book/computer screen type, but the get-out-in-the-fresh-air-and run-round-like-crazy kind. The garden and surrounding woods are the perfect place to do this, so we held our first Easter camp. We only offer these schemes to Moulsecoomb Primary children because it is where we have worked for nearly twenty years. It’s where we have built relationships and where we feel as a small charity we… Read More »CATCHING UP – IN THE WOODS


My young head gardener hadn’t had the best of mornings and wasn’t very talkative. So we went to the forest school area where he busied himself making a den out of whatever wood he could find while I pruned the mulberry in silence. Half hour later we were clearing paths and chatting until the rain beat us inside. Then, with very limited tools – a wet bit of paper, some chairs, a book to act as a ruler and a… Read More »A SUMMER OF PLAY


Well that was a year we won’t forget. A year where we can be proud of how the garden adapted to an ever changing situation. If there’s one thing this pandemic has highlighted is that you can get a lot more done when you work together. As the first lockdown loomed, we joined a meeting of organisations across Moulsecoomb and Bevendean to discuss how we could support the most vulnerable. So when we had to make the tough decision to… Read More »LOOKING BACK 2020